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Finance Secrets

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Explore expert insights and strategies to master your finances. Our finance secrets will empower you to make informed decisions and achieve your financial freedom..

Finance Secrets

If you are looking to build a property portfolio, this is what you must know before you set out on this journey. It is the framework to guide you through this process.

Loan Structure

This video will empower you with the information you need to have a qualified discussion about your home loan (this is the finance vehicle).

Offset Account

Many people think that the only way they can save on their home loan is to shop around for a better rate, negotiate some fees, but it is being penny wise and pound foolish. This one trick can save you heaps.

Use your Credit Card?

Can you trust yourself to NOT abuse your credit card. They this is how to use your credit card to pay off your home loan sooner. This is one tip that comes with a warning – one that you must not abuse and can see you save heaps

Property Investment

This is one way to pay off your home loan a lot sooner. This video will cover some elements to consider.

Self Managed Super

A significant amount of your income gets paid into super, as a financial planner, I came to realize how little I knew about super and the various rules governing one of the largest forced investments we have to make for our retirement. A Self Managed Super Fund, better known as an SMSF, is the next level where you take control of it and can invest in property directly. It is not for all and if you are considering an SMSF, it is worth watching this short video.

How to Beat the Property Cycle

Property is one of the largest investment classes and is much loved by us Aussies, but like most investments it comes with its fair share of risk and return. This video discussed one way to secure your property portfolio with a finance strategy.

Why you need a Personal Finance Strategist?

Finance affects every aspect of life and there is way too much to get your head around. It can be a crazy juggling act. This is why a strategic perspective can really help, we discuss the benefits in this video.

The greatest weapon in the fight for financial freedom

This video will arm you with an arsenal to fight for your financial freedom.

Who Do You Actually Work For?

This short video covers an important topic relating to your working week, from the perspective of how your gross income is spent, it highlights the need to consider this big picture, to avoid being penny wise and pound foolish.

What the Banks Don't Tell You

This video covers several aspects of dealing directly with a bank that you may not be aware of. Worth watching if you are thinking of getting a home loan from your bank. Remember the marketing is there to create the illusion that you are in safe hands, but here is the insider story.

The Biggest Expense You Could Avoid

You've probably heard that taxes and death you cannot avoid but the next biggest expense in your monthly budget is one you can certainly do something about so let's look under the hood.

Financial Freedom

The topic of Financial Freedom haunts most people so you're not alone the problem is people don't actually know what Financial Freedom looks like.

Secrets to Owning Your Home Sooner

Making the great Australian dream of home ownership a reality for you. I provide my top tips to save you heaps and pay off your loan a lot sooner.

How to save 20 years of your life using property?

Buying property is probably the largest investment most Australians will make in a single transaction and because of the high hidden costs,it is crucial to watch this video to get the structure and perspective on how to make your money work harder and save yourself decades on your home loan.

Why Refinance Your Mortgage To Save?

It’s time to shop around for a better deal on your mortgage! There has been a 100% increase in rates in the last six months, from an average 3% variable rate on home loans, the RBA raised rates by additional 3% in just six months after over a dozen years of decreasing rates on mortgages. […]

Everything You Need To Know About Refinance Rates

The interest rate you are offered as a new home loan customer may differ significantly from the rate you are offered when you refinance. After several years of paying off your current loan, you may be in a better financial position to obtain a more competitive rate and home loan product. So, when mortgage rates […]

How To Refinance A Home Loan To Buy An Investment Property?

With the price of a property and the growth in Australia over the last forty years, it would be wise to think of every property purchase as an investment, including the one you live in. So you’ve had your first property for a while, be it an investment or a home and it’s been doing […]

Financial Disclaimer: Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this website serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Borrower First. Please consult our financial experts for more information.